No Chuffers meeting last Tuesday, but we did get together, as we are all members of the Cardi-Bach Railway Society (which I may have alluded to once or twice in the past...) Anyhow, the theme for last Tuesday was railway modeling - Colin brought along part of his N gauge layout, and Pat brought his 'baby' which we have yet to give a name to, and also his ACE '0' gauge model of the Coronation class 'Duchess of Sutherland'
Lots of other stuff went on, but I wont bore you with it. Pictured is Colin demonstrating his layout:

Across the other side of the room, Pat then talked us through his N gauge Western themed baby layout, as well as showing the 0 gauge loco and carriages in the foreground:

There is of course a full report of the evening available to friends of the Society, and members will have already received a copy.

On the modeling front, I managed to put down a bit more track (unsupervised!) on the Crymmych Arms layout, and successfully ran a train on a complete circuit. I do have a movie of it, but the technology required to post it on here is way beyond me... You'll have to make do with photos!

This is the complete track - only the front half of the centre board will be seen, which is the actual station. A backscene will hide the fiddle yard at the back, whilst the foreground loop will also be hidden, with the bridge linking the village to the station forming a natural break.
At the other end, where the line curves around and drops down to glogue, a natural cutting and trees will form the break there.

And there we have it - meeting at Colins in a couple of days, ostensibly to discuss a method of point control and wiring the points.

Nos da,