Hi everyone. Really sorry for the paucity of posts the last couple of months - no excuse, except weather, time of year, lack of enthusiasm, and etc!

Did anyone guess where that narrow gauge train was at the top of last weeks post?

Bit obscure, and it's not there anymore... Lion-sur-Mer, or Luc-sur-mer. On the coast half way between Cherbourg and Le Havre. One of the many French NG lines now sadly gone.

The picture for this post might be easier. Once again no longer in existence, but a bit closer to home.
(You can if you wish answer in the 'comments' box at the bottom of the post)

Not a great deal has happened in our small Chuffer world since I last posted. Our meetings were curtailed somewhat with Christmas/New Year and Duffer health issues being of more importance.

However we have had a couple of convivial meetings this year, at Charles house and at Colins.
Colin has been quite productive in the interim period, with the building of a loco, couple of passenger coaches, and two signal boxes for the Teifi Gorge.
This is one of the coaches destined for running between Cilgerran and St Dogmaels:

The signal boxes are copied from the one that is at Corris - this is Cols version, both external and internal:

He made two, one to go at each station on the Gorge layout.

Exact location I'm not sure about, so here they are just plonked down roughly to give an idea of what they will look like:
This one serving Cilgerran station and yard,

And this one at the other end to look after rail movements at St Dogmaels:

Meanwhile I made a water tower and coaling stage to service the engines at Cilgerran:

I think that brings us up to date so far. Pat hasn't been able to do very much for the past few weeks due to eye problems, but that has now been sorted out most satisfactorily,  so we can now expect some premium modeling!

Hwyl fawr,