Finally got around to changing the current post picture - this one taken when Colin and I visited Dinas Station last year to see the Narrow Gauge exhibition.

To Patricks last night, where we enjoyed a DVD on steam locomotive driving, this time it was concentrating on the final group of BR steam engines, and comparing the footplate conditions and operations.
Colin was on hand to answer to most of the many questions we other three threw at him.
We are now fully clued up on steam injectors, their principal and usage...

Patrick has been working hard at his new 7mm narrow gauge layout, yet to be named. (the scale is 7mm to the foot, and runs on 00 gauge track)

Pictured below :

It is basically a tail chaser, with a small fiddle yard concealed at the back. DC controlled with wire-in-tube point operation. Pictured below is the vertical boiler loco, and the two carriages, which can be seen center left, in the picture above.
Everything has been made from kits or scratch built.

Work on the Crymmych Arms layout is continuing, albeit rather slowly... in fact nothing to report, as no progress has been made worth reporting!

I'll finish with a shot of the Rabbit Warren - a few more buildings have been added, platform lights, and a bit more greenery.

No chuffers next week, as it is the monthly Cardi-Bach meeting.
Talk to you all later.

Hwyl fawr,

I should get around to changing that picture - its been there for several weeks now. Maybe next week...

Met at Charles' house last Tuesday and had a very convivial evening, as we usually do. Very good pizza with a lot of green chilli, aubergine stuffed with mince, and amongst the tracklements was a very good lime and chilli pickle - from B & M, we think.

For 'show and tell' Colin produced another of his excellent locos, this time on a Minitrix chassis that I picked up at Shepton Mallet back in February.

Whilst at Colins a few weeks ago, I managed to get a quick shot of his array of scratch built 009 locomotives - these are extra to the stable of engines that he built for the Teifi Gorge layout (another six, at the last count)

Last week a forum friend, Ben Newland paid a quick visit - Ben models in both 009 and 00, and presently lives in Dresden, but is a Cardigan boy. He got married a year or so ago in Mwnt church, on the outskirts of Cardigan

This is Mwnt church, taken just as the sun was setting last Saturday.

As a bit of nostalgia, and a thank you present to his wife for tolerating his railway modelling, Ben constructed a model of the church, and incorporated it in his layout (still under construction, as all layouts are...)
Here is a snapshot of Ben's model that I grabbed from Photobucket. I'm sure Ben wont mind me sharing:


Back to business in hand - Crymmych Arms.

Pat has made a model of the goods shed, but has to glaze the windows before letting me take pics of it. Colin is forging ahead with the signal box, and I finally got around to sorting the station out:

Next meeting we have we hope to set up and test Cardigan and Boncath, as we are taking them along to Cilgerran School in May for an exhibition that Emyr is organising.

Until the next time,

(Who sang that? - Daniel O'donnell, to save you pondering. Sad or what...)