Work in progress!!
Started construction this week on a small freighter to transport the slate from St Dogmaels quay. Based very loosely on the Clyde Puffer style, but a bit larger. Riveted steel hull - I guess it could have been built at Pembroke Dock in the late 19th century?
Still got a lot more to do to it - waiting for stanchions to arrive (I had to buy...) before any railings can go on. Other stuff I'm making up as I go along. Mast and derrick yet to be fitted (old paint brush handles) and various nautical 'things'.
Here it is alongside the quay:
Annie kindly volunteered to paint the backscenes - St Dogs is the first one to be done, so here is a shot of the board with buildings 'plonked' and all the motive power doing various things...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Mike - see it in the flesh at the Woolen Mill on October 24th

  2. Hopefully I will make the Woolen Mill this year, already three things booked for that day, so some juggling required!
