Out on a photo shoot today looking at bridges and artifacts to do with the old Cardi-Bach line, when I passed this directional finger post - the last one still in position showing the old spelling of Kilgerran.
So many people doubt our spelling on our model layout. Here's proof!
Also snapped was this 'red' brick used in the construction of one of the bridges over the Cardi-Bach line.
We are curious about its origins... The moulded letters could be 'R' to the left, 'P' at the bottom, on the top what looks like an ampersand, and to the right 'Co'
The whole bridge is built with these bricks, and then slate coping slabs.
Here is a picture of the bridge in question. The cutting has been filled in, but you can still pass through the arch, which is made of four courses of the bricks. The cattle track over has worn down so much that the top of the arch is visible.
The bridge over the line at Crymych station was built in the same manner, and possibly with same sourced bricks. It is in much better repair, and in daily use as access to the farm that occupies the former station. The cutting to the North side of the bridge has been completely filled in.
Bit of a deviation from railway modelling, but historically interesting! (well I thought so, anyway...)
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