Yet another Tuesday has come and gone - almost another month gone, as well. I'm sure time is relative - the older you get the faster it seems to go (or half the time you forget... so time goes twice as quickly)
Time seemed to go quickly on Tuesday evening, but that was because we were enjoying the company and food! (Louise made a pizza for us - I think she is competing with Pat to see who can get the biggest variety of ingredients onto the crispy crust... they just get better and better!)
The meeting was at Charles' again, and we were treated to one of his eclectic collections of amusing and informative video clips taken from the Internet.
Colin had been busy through the week working on his gondolas for the fairground. Couple of pictures below showing the progress. Last week the comparison coin was a twenty pence piece, but due to a slight bounce in the economy, and financial state not being quite as gloomy, we have gone back to using a pound coin...

Here are three of the gondolas in all their red and gold splendour :

Next week we hope to see a selection of passengers!

Also next week it is the weekend of the annual Login Extravaganza, The annual Login and Cardi-Bach exhibition. Obviously not all of our readers will be able to make it, but we really look forward to meeting those who do manage to make their way to Login Station. It's on for two days, so you have no excuse for not turning up!

Hwyl fawr, Shaun.

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