Cardi-Bach news first of all - Our first autumn meeting will now be on Wednesday September 4th, 7 p.m. at the Heritage Centre in Login.

On to Chuffers.
We met here at Llechryd last night, and kicked off with the usual 'show-and-tell'. Patrick first of all, producing a cart for the coffin - I suppose the proper term is a funeral bier...
Anyway here is Pats version, yet to be painted. Constructed from coffee stirrers and solid wheels made from the ends of a cable drum (!)

The coffin has now had a nice glossy coat of varnish, though has yet to be satin lined...

Now if you can cast your minds back a year or two, we featured some work-in-progress that Colin was doing on scratch building a fairground galloper.
It was put on a back shelf when other things took precedence, but recently Col resurrected it, and did a bit more work to it:

Inside it has a ring of dragon cars, a waterfall and the traditional galloper organ, complete with it's own trailer:

Here is a shot taken with the roof removed:

And looking through the entrance archway:

Once it has been painted and peopled, Colin tells us that it is going to be part of a fairground diorama.

My contribution was the construction of two baseboards for the embryo 7mm narrow gauge layout that is going to be our winter project.
Here are the boards joined together with some roughly made card buildings to give us some idea of scale.

The lighting gantry has been cobbled together to assist construction during the dark evenings, as the lighting in the conservatory workshop is pretty abysmal.
We spent an hour or so discussing various plans and ideas, before drawing a rough plan on paper, ready to track lay once we have a cork surface on top of the ply.
This is progress so far:

More on this as and when we do stuff to it!

Repaired to the dining room for Jalfresi curry and the usual libation, plus a selection of slides that Colin had taken during a visit to the West Country.
Pleasant evening all round...
Nos da,

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