Sunday August seventh. I have now been three months on this island... Sorry! I downloaded Robinson Crusoe onto my Kindle. Hadn't read it since school days, sixty years ago.

Anyway, on to the present.
This was Login as it was way back in the fifties (same as my schooldays!)

I had built the keepers cottage, which is in front of the station, but I couldn't fit it in to the layout as it stands, so I have converted it into Spring Cottage, the building(s) to centre left. The roof in the photo appears to be cement rendering on top of the slate, so I have tried to copy that.
Here is Spring Cottage in place, but with a bit more work yet to do to the semi-detached cottage to the left.

It has a flickering fire, and a light in the sitting room, where there is a sofa with a seated figure. Also a carpeted staircase in the hall. This is the best I could do with the camera macro setting:

Login had a delivery from the Great Western Railway of two of their platform benches, which were duly put in place, and promptly occupied by one of the village worthies.

The other bench was put under the station window, but requires some adjustment.

If you use Facebook, I heartily recommend that you look-up 'login railway station', which documents Peter and Dawns efforts at bringing the station back to life, the way it appeared before closure. All the better if you can call in - they do excellent cream teas at weekends...

The Duffers are meeting on Tuesday, as Pat has returned from his adventures in deepest Sussex, and is safely back in Gods Country.
More in a few days.

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