Anyhow, thats by-the-by. On with the blog:
We are transferring all the Cardi-Bach layouts from their temporary quarters in the back of my garage to a new home in the new Cardi-Bach building - it has yet to be christened with a proper name - to just call it 'Petes new shed' doesn't do it justice at all!
They are yet to be joined by 'Kilgerran' and 'Login' and also need to be unpacked and tested for running.
No doubt they will also require quite a bit of titivating as they have been stored for over a year, and probably have become home to quite a collection of spiders.
Anyhow, that shouldn't take too long once we can find a free day when us Duffers can get over there.
The building has now acquired a very posh entrance platform, with stairs and the now almost obligatory ramp, a necessity in this case, as the doors are a good foot above the ground level.
These are the steps and platform, complete with a flower bed and shrub-tub.
To the left can be seen the original station platform edging.
Next picture is of the disabled ramp - no, correction, the ramp for disabled...
Inside there is a screen available for showing films and slides from the C-B collection - here the screen is kindly being shown to Emyr by Pete's wife Dawn.
At the other end, the entrance end, Peter has built a reception desk, which conveniently has a fridge built underneath to provide storage for soft drinks, etc (etc being beer and lager. shhh...)
Finally in readiness for the weekend the marquee was erected yesterday - Pete had most of the framework assembled when I got to Login yesterday, and we had it all done by two o'clock, with assistance from Sue Allen, and C-B member Mike Edwards who turned up out of the blue to lend a hand.
Couple of pictures of the marquee to finish this weeks post.
Next blog post will be after the Login Show.